
  • Lifestyle

    Leave it Better than you Found it

    There is nothing like falling asleep inside a cozy sleeping bag with the sound of a babbling stream in the background, and the smell of campfire still lingering on your clothes and in your hair. You know you’ll be awake far too early as the morning’s first light warns you to vacate the tent before it becomes an oven full of human pigs in blankets. Some of my fondest memories of growing up are from camping, and now that I’m a mother I long to share these experiences with my children. While I will definitely be roasting marshmallows to make s’mores, and telling stories around the fire at night with…

  • Lifestyle

    Welcome to Hangin’ with the Hagens!

    Hey Everyone! I just wanted to do a quick welcome post to get this blog started. I have had a lot of friends and family wanting to know what we have been up to since Covid-19 has turned the world upside down. The Hagen Clan has been busy working on transforming our house on an acre into a more self-sufficient homestead to help provide milk, eggs, meat, and produce that we can be sure is safe and good to eat…without having to rely on the grocery stores as much. It has been quite the learning experience with lots of ups and downs and I am looking forward to sharing it…