
  • Garden

    Prepping your soil for a garden.

    When we first bought our house I was so excited to have a place to put a nice big vegetable garden. My grandmother has been known to have beautiful gardens that yield up far more than even pictured here below on her giant family table. But somewhere along the journey of three pregnancies, births, months of breastfeeding, and everything else that life threw at us in between the garden fell to the wayside. The back corner of our yard became a favorite place for weeds and broken children’s toys somehow always got blown there in the wind. Until this year…this is the year I start working on getting my garden…

  • Garden

    Lazy Decorative Planters

    I love to garden. I like to plant things, water them, and watch them grow. There is, however, a part of me that is stronger than my love of gardening….that’s Lazy. While I certainly love some annuals (plants that only live for one year or season then need to be replanted.) I struggle to rationalize spending time and money on plants that just won’t stick around when I have a whole acre to try and landscape and maintain. Hence my love of planting perennials (plants that will go dormant and then return year after year.) In this post I will walk you through how to choose perennial plants for your…