• Lifestyle

    Leave it Better than you Found it

    There is nothing like falling asleep inside a cozy sleeping bag with the sound of a babbling stream in the background, and the smell of campfire still lingering on your clothes and in your hair. You know you’ll be awake far too early as the morning’s first light warns you to vacate the tent before it becomes an oven full of human pigs in blankets. Some of my fondest memories of growing up are from camping, and now that I’m a mother I long to share these experiences with my children. While I will definitely be roasting marshmallows to make s’mores, and telling stories around the fire at night with…

  • Food,  House and Home

    Classic Carrot Cake

    It is tradition in my family, as in most families I would imagine, that when it is your birthday you get to choose what kind of cake you want. For me, the choice is always the same year after year. I want my grandma to make her carrot cake. This recipe makes the most dense, moist, and perfectly delicious carrot cake you’ll ever eat and lucky for you…I’m going to share it with you! Here’s what you’ll need… 1- 20 oz. can crushed pineapple (not in heavy syrup just pineapple juice) 2 cups shredded carrots 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 cup canola oil 2…

  • Garden

    Prepping your soil for a garden.

    When we first bought our house I was so excited to have a place to put a nice big vegetable garden. My grandmother has been known to have beautiful gardens that yield up far more than even pictured here below on her giant family table. But somewhere along the journey of three pregnancies, births, months of breastfeeding, and everything else that life threw at us in between the garden fell to the wayside. The back corner of our yard became a favorite place for weeds and broken children’s toys somehow always got blown there in the wind. Until this year…this is the year I start working on getting my garden…

  • Food,  House and Home

    Sinnett Lasagna

    Lasagna whether it is store bought, Olive Garden, or my favorite mom and pops Italian Restaurant has never been a dish that I really enjoyed…that is, unless it is THIS lasagna. So in the hopes that I can make Lasagna lovers out of you all I’m gonna share the recipe. When I make Lasagna I use two 13x9x2 in. baking dishes and make two lasagna’s so I can cook one and freeze one for a later time. So if you do not want two Lasagnas you will need to half this recipe. Here’s what you’ll need… 4 lbs. ground beef (I like to use ground chuck) 1 lb. Italian Sausage…